Showcase:Van Aken: Small Business Saturday
Showcase:Weston Ideation Lab
Showcase:Move to Cleveland
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Zeus Power Supplies
Brand Positioning, Messaging and Visual Identity for Industrial Supplier.
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Brand Identity for AI Start-Up
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Yates Marketing
Branding, Visual Identity and Website for Marketing Consultancy in Industrial Sector.
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Everight Position
Branding and Website Redesign for National Sensor Distributor.
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Square O
Development of Branding, Visual Identity and Website for International Call Center Consulting Firm.
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Weston Ideation Lab
Brand Development for Higher Education Innovation Lab.
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Hey Now! Podcast
Visual Identity for hey now! Company Podcast.
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Van Aken: Small Business Saturday
2023 Small Business Saturday Integrated Marketing Campaign for The Van Aken District in Shaker Heights.
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Development of Branding, Visual Identity and Website for IT Service Company working in Hospitals.
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Van Aken District
Full Marketing Department Support for Tourism/ Lifestyle District in Cleveland, Ohio.
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Green Harvest Capital
Branding, Website and Full Marketing Department Service for Real-Estate Capital Firm.
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Key Tower
Brand Development, Website and Full Marketing Department Service for Nationally Acclaimed Office + Shopping Destination.
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Full Marketing Department Service, Development of Branding and Website for National+ Industrial Distributor.
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Move to Cleveland
Development of Branding, Visual Identity and Website for Local Non-Profit Running National Campaigns.
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Frequently asked questions
What’s it like to work with Hey Now!?

Working with Hey Now! is a really enjoyable experience. We’re serious and professional when it comes to marketing and managing projects, but we also believe it’s important to have a good time. We’re all about bringing a sense of joy and energy to our work, which not only keeps our team motivated but also leads to the best results for our clients.

We’re a super collaborative bunch, always on the lookout for new ways to up our game. Keeping up with industry trends and diving deep into the markets we work with is part of our daily routine. This helps us bring valuable insights to the table and work alongside our clients like true partners. Most of our clients come to us for that marketing expertise and vision they feel they’re missing.

But we do more than just marketing. We’re there to help our clients navigate the tricky stuff – like marketing strategies and budgeting. Working with us is like having a partner who’s really invested in your success, someone who’s excited to see your company grow and gain momentum.

We love what we do, and we think that excitement is our secret sauce. It’s this passion and enjoyment that not only makes our team tick but also drives amazing results for our clients.

What is your philosophy behind building successful brands?

We believe in creating authentic, unique, and customer-focused brands by understanding your target audience, identifying your unique selling proposition, and developing a cohesive brand strategy that will help you stand out from the competition and give you a winning edge.

How do you define and execute brand activation?

Brand activation is about making your brand come alive for customers and your own team. It includes customer interactions, promotions, and clear communication. At the same time, it involves inspiring your staff to fully embrace and represent your brand values. We customize our brand activation approach based on your goals, your target customers, and your team’s needs.

Is it possible to revitalize my current brand?

Yes, we can assess your existing brand and develop a strategy to modernize and strengthen its identity, messaging, and positioning to better connect with your audience both online and in-person.

Can you develop new brand messaging and positioning?

Absolutely. We’ll work closely with you to craft a compelling brand message and positioning that highlights your unique value proposition and resonates with your target customers.

What is the typical timeline for a branding project?

Timelines can vary based on project scope and complexity, but most branding projects take anywhere from 4 to 16 weeks.

What is the pricing structure for your branding services?

Our pricing depends on the specific services you require and the complexity of the project. We offer custom quotes after discussing your needs and objectives.

When should I consider investing in a new website?

Deciding when to invest in a new website can depend on several factors:

Outdated Design: If your website looks like it was created a decade ago and hasn’t been updated since, it could create a negative impression on your visitors. In the digital age, a fresh and modern website is a must to showcase that your business is keeping pace with the times.

Lack of Mobile Responsiveness: With the majority of users accessing the internet via mobile devices, a mobile-responsive website is no longer optional. If your website doesn’t render properly on mobile or is difficult to navigate, you may be losing a significant amount of potential customers.

Poor User Experience: User experience encompasses a lot of elements, including site speed, easy navigation, clear and engaging content, and intuitive design. If your website is slow, confusing, or frustrating to use, visitors will leave and likely not return.

Doesn’t Reflect Your Brand: Your website is a virtual storefront and a crucial part of your brand identity. If it doesn’t accurately represent your brand – in terms of messaging, visual elements, and overall vibe – it can create inconsistency and confusion.

Low Conversion Rates: If despite getting traffic, your website isn’t converting visitors into leads or customers – be it signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or filling out a contact form – it could be a sign that your website isn’t effectively serving its purpose and might need a revamp.

Lack of Key Features or Integrations: Maybe your business has grown and your website needs additional features, like e-commerce capabilities, booking systems, or integration with your CRM. If your current website cannot support these features, it might be time for a new one.

SEO Performance: If your website isn’t showing up in search engine results, it could be due to outdated SEO practices or technical issues. A new, SEO-optimized website can help improve your online visibility.

Remember, your website is often the first point of contact potential customers have with your business. Investing in a new website can significantly impact your brand image, customer engagement, and ultimately, your bottom line.

What are the advantages of a custom WordPress site over DIY website builders?

Customization and Flexibility: Custom WordPress sites provide almost limitless customization options. You have complete control over every aspect of your website’s look and functionality. From the layout to the color scheme, typography, and other design elements, you can tailor everything to your specific brand needs. Conversely, DIY website builders often have set templates and limited customization options, which can limit your creativity and ability to stand out.

Scalability: As your business grows, so too might your website’s requirements. WordPress is highly scalable, allowing you to add new functionalities, pages, and integrations as needed. You can start with a basic website and expand it as your business evolves. With DIY builders, scaling can be more challenging due to limitations in their platforms.

Functionality and Plugins: WordPress offers thousands of plugins, both free and premium, which extend the functionality of your site. Whether you need an SEO tool, a contact form, an e-commerce store, or a social media feed, there’s likely a WordPress plugin for it. While DIY builders do offer some add-ons, they’re typically not as numerous or as powerful as WordPress plugins.

SEO Friendliness: WordPress is known for its SEO-friendly structure. With the addition of SEO plugins like Yoast or All in One SEO, you can have granular control over your SEO settings, helping your site rank higher in search engine results. DIY builders often lack advanced SEO features, which can limit your site’s online visibility.

Control Over Your Site: With WordPress, you have full ownership and control over your website and its data. You can choose your hosting provider, switch to a different provider if needed, and move your website freely. With DIY builders, your website is tied to the provider’s platform, and moving your site in the future could be difficult, if not impossible.

Community and Support: WordPress has a vast community of users and developers worldwide. This means that you can find a wealth of resources, tutorials, forums, and professional developers to help you with any aspect of your WordPress site. Most DIY builders have support teams, but the level of help and resources available may not match the extent of WordPress support.

While custom WordPress sites might require a higher initial investment and more technical expertise than DIY website builders, the advantages they offer in terms of flexibility, scalability, customization, and control often make them a worthwhile investment for businesses serious about their online presence.

Are photography and videography services included in website projects?

Photography and videography services can be included depending on your specific needs and the project scope. We will discuss this during the initial project consultation.

Headshots: Capturing professional headshots involves setting up a session with each individual to be featured on the website. This involves carefully setting up lighting, positioning, and environment to reflect each person’s role and personality. High-quality headshots lend credibility and authenticity to your website. They not only humanize your brand but also give your visitors a sense of who they’ll be interacting with, which can build trust.

Real Estate Photography: To capture compelling photos of properties, we utilize high-resolution cameras and various photography techniques such as wide-angle lenses and HDR photography. This ensures that each property is presented in the best possible light, showcasing its unique features and selling points. These photos are crucial for real estate websites as they significantly influence a buyer or renter’s perception and decision-making process.

Corporate Videos: Corporate video production involves several stages, including concept development, scriptwriting, filming, and post-production. The objective here is to produce engaging videos that effectively communicate your company’s message, culture, and offerings. These videos serve as powerful tools to attract and engage your website visitors, offering a dynamic way to convey complex information or demonstrate products/services.

Drone Videos: Drone videography requires specialized equipment and skilled operators. We capture high-quality aerial footage that offers a unique, engaging perspective of your business location, properties, or events. Drone videos are highly engaging and can significantly enhance the user experience on your website by offering views that are otherwise hard or impossible to achieve.

Does your website package include copywriting?

Content creation and copywriting can be included in our website packages. We will discuss your specific requirements during our initial consultation.

Creating a new website involves leveraging various types of copy that not only accurately represent your brand but also effectively engage your visitors and encourage them to take desired actions. Here are some types of copy you’ll typically need for a new website:

Headline Copy: This is often the first thing a visitor sees when they land on your site. It should be compelling, clear, and quickly communicate what your site is about.

Subheadings: These help to break up the content and make it easily scannable. They should be concise, informative, and relevant.

Body Copy: This includes the main content of your website, such as product or service descriptions, about us page, and blog articles. It should be engaging, informative, and tailored to your target audience’s interests and needs.

Call to Action (CTA) Copy: These are prompts that encourage visitors to take a specific action, like ‘Buy Now’, ‘Sign Up’, ‘Get a Free Quote’, etc. They should be persuasive and create a sense of urgency.

Meta Descriptions and SEO Keywords: Meta descriptions are what appear in search engine results, they should succinctly summarize the content of each page. SEO keywords are crucial for ensuring your website is found by the right audience through search engines.

Product Descriptions: For e-commerce websites, each product should have a clear, persuasive description that highlights its features and benefits.

Testimonials and Reviews: While these are typically quotes from customers, you’ll need to introduce and contextualize them. This type of social proof can greatly influence a visitor’s decision to purchase or engage.

FAQs: These are important for addressing common questions or concerns visitors might have. They should be written in a clear, straightforward manner.

Contact Information: This isn’t just your address and phone number, but also potentially a blurb inviting visitors to reach out, or explaining when and why they might want to do so.

Microcopy: These are the small bits of text that guide users through the interface, like error messages, form instructions, button labels, etc. It might seem minor, but well-written microcopy improves usability and user experience significantly.

All of this copy should be written in a consistent tone of voice that matches your brand identity. Also, it’s important to keep SEO best practices in mind when writing your website copy to improve your website’s visibility in search engine results. Finally, remember that clarity should be the priority in all website copy. You want to make sure that all visitors can easily understand what you’re communicating.

Are your websites designed to be mobile-responsive and compatible across various platforms?

Absolutely, all the websites we design are created with a mobile-first approach, meaning they are fully responsive and optimized for different devices including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. Here’s a more comprehensive explanation:

Mobile-Responsive Design: Mobile-responsive design is a design strategy that ensures the layout, images, and other design elements of the website automatically adjust to fit the screen size on which it is viewed. Given that a significant and growing percentage of web traffic comes from mobile devices, it’s imperative that our designs look great and function smoothly on smaller screens. This includes elements like easy-to-tap buttons, readable font sizes, and layouts that don’t require horizontal scrolling.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: Beyond being mobile-responsive, our websites are also designed to be cross-platform compatible. This means they function well and maintain their aesthetic appeal across different web browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. Cross-browser compatibility is achieved by following standard web protocols and regularly testing the website on different browsers.

Testing and Quality Assurance: To ensure the best user experience, we conduct rigorous testing on various devices and platforms throughout the development process. This includes testing website load times, functionality, and appearance across a range of device types and browsers to ensure the website is fully functional and visually consistent.

SEO Considerations: Mobile-responsive design is not just a matter of user experience – it’s also an SEO requirement. Search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their rankings, so our mobile-first approach is also aimed at optimizing your site’s visibility in search results.

Future-Proofing: Our approach to mobile-responsive and cross-platform design is also about future-proofing your website. As new devices and platforms come onto the market, your website should be able to adapt and continue providing a high-quality user experience.

Our commitment to mobile-responsive, cross-platform compatible web design ensures your website is accessible to the widest possible audience, no matter what device or browser they’re using. This is crucial for maximizing your website’s reach and engagement.

What ongoing maintenance and support do you offer for websites?

We offer different maintenance and support packages to suit your needs, including regular updates, security monitoring, backups, and ongoing optimizations.

Can you integrate my website with existing systems and tools?

We can integrate your website with most existing systems and tools, such as CRM, email marketing, and e-commerce platforms, to ensure seamless functionality.

How do you incorporate SEO best practices in new website projects?

We implement on-page SEO techniques, such as keyword optimization, meta tags, and content structuring, and follow technical SEO best practices like site speed optimization and mobile-friendliness.

What is the average duration of a website development project?

Website development timelines vary depending on complexity and client requirements but typically range from 6 to 16 weeks.

How much does it cost to build a new website with your services?

Our website pricing is customized based on your requirements, project scope, and desired features. We provide a detailed quote after discussing your needs.

What types of marketing strategies and services do you offer?

We offer a range of marketing services, including content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and paid advertising.

How do you develop a tailored marketing plan for my business?

We start by understanding your business goals, target audience, and competitors. Based on this, we create a customized marketing plan that aligns with your objectives and budget.

What is your approach to measuring the success of marketing campaigns?

We use a variety of metrics such as engagement rate, conversion rate, website traffic, and return on investment (ROI) to measure the effectiveness of our campaigns.

How do you keep up-to-date with the latest marketing trends and tools?

We constantly invest in training, research, and technology to stay abreast of the latest trends, tools, and best practices in digital marketing.

How do you ensure that my brand message remains consistent across marketing channels?

We develop a brand guideline and messaging framework to ensure consistency across all marketing channels and touchpoints.

What is the typical timeline for marketing campaigns, and how do you manage multiple projects simultaneously?

Campaign timelines vary based on goals, channels used, and complexity. We use project management tools and methodologies to efficiently manage and execute multiple campaigns simultaneously.

What advertising services do you provide for clients?

We provide comprehensive advertising services, including strategy development, creative design, media planning and buying, and campaign analytics.

How do you create and execute effective advertising campaigns?

We start by understanding your objectives and audience. Then we develop a creative strategy, select the most effective channels, design compelling ads, and monitor and adjust the campaign for optimal performance.

How do you target the right audience for my products/services through advertising?

We use market research, customer profiling, and targeting capabilities of advertising platforms to reach the audience most likely to be interested in your products or services.

What metrics do you use to measure the success of advertising campaigns?

We use a variety of metrics, such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, cost per acquisition (CPA), and ROI, to measure the success of advertising campaigns.

Can you help me decide between different advertising platforms and formats?

Yes, we will recommend the most suitable platforms and ad formats based on your objectives, target audience, and budget.

How do you optimize ad campaigns to maximize ROI?

We continuously monitor campaign performance and make data-driven adjustments to targeting, ad creatives, bidding strategies, and more to maximize ROI.

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